These girls of mine! With a 12 inch cleaning path the Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo cleans my floor in a snap! Typically I drag out my big vacuum but the Perfect Sweep Turbo allows me to clean up the day to day messes very quickly. The Perfect Sweep Turbo can pick up a lot of things but unfortunately not shoes. For some reason dog hair, dust bunnies and shoes love to live under there. Let me also mention that the handle will lie flat to get underneath my sofa and chairs. You can easily detach the handle and it converts to a handheld sweeper. The Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo is very versatile as well. I can also carry my sweeper up and down the stairs easily as it is only a few pounds. The Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo allows she and her sisters to easily do the job themselves. The hay and bedding that gets kicked up out of the low lying cage makes it so her room need to be vacuumed daily. Although super cute and lovable they are also messy little things. As you saw Piper has guinea pigs in her room. So much so that I now have kiddos asking if they can help me sweep! Um, let me think about this, heck yeah!! Bissell made this sweeper very lightweight. Anyway, moms you get, it and lucky for us so does Bissell! The Bissell Perfect Sweep Turbo was made for us moms! Really! I have never owned a cordless sweeper before so reviewing it was a treat. Calling all moms! I love my kid’s but let’s face it, they are walking mess-making machines! This is evident by the hour I spend each night picking up before I head to bed myself.