In the village, Yugo and his father are attacked by the time villain from 12 years ago, now revealed to be a Xelor named Nox. She then heals him with magic and he agrees to turn the shrubs back into humans.
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Amalia, a member of Yugo's party, convinces Soft Oak that not all men are like this and that only free men can protect the forests. Inside they encounter the ruler of the forest, the Soft Oak, who plans to turn all humans into trees in revenge for the destruction his forest has suffered.

The village is attacked by Polters, creatures that turn humans into shrubs, Yugo and his team go to the Forbidden Forest to find out why the Polters are doing this. Alibert, seeing Yugo's power, decides to tell him the truth: that he is adopted and that his real family is out there somewhere. Ruel, who was passing though town, teams up with Yugo and defeats the beast, which turns out to have been a Iop possessed by a demon trapped in an item, in this case a sword known as a Shushu. He puts it to the test when a monster rampages though town, ending up at his Inn. The boy, now called Yugo, believes himself to be a ordinary boy until he discovers that he has the ability to create portals. 12 years later, Alibert has opened an inn and established a small town. He also leaves a message for the adoptive father, along with a baby Tofu (Bird). Grougaloragran leaves the baby carriage with Alibert, believing that he will be a good father to the baby inside. After defeating a mysterious foe with powers over time, who wants Grougaloragran's life force, or "Wakfu", Grougaloragran comes across Alibert, who is quitting his profession as a bounty hunter after almost taking a innocent man to jail. Grougaloragran, a mysterious and ancient entity, appears one with a baby carriage.